By Dr. Jimmy DeYoung
Prophecy Today
The United States has requested that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu extend the construction moratorium in Jerusalem and the area of Judea and Samaria, referred to as the West Bank, in order to keep the Palestinians from walking out of the peace talk negotiations as they have threatened to do.
Meanwhile, Catherine Ashton, the Chief of Foreign Policy for the European Union, while in Israel has told both the Israeli and the Palestinian leaders the peace process will fail if Israel continues to build in the Jewish settlements and Ashton has applied pressure on Israel to continue the moratorium on building.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US and European pressure on Israel to stop building in Biblical lands - their promised land - is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The United States and the European Union are both guilty of applying pressure on the Jewish state of Israel to stop building in a portion of the state that dates back 4000 years ago in Jewish heritage. Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria - referred to by world leaders as the West Bank - is the central focus of the United States and the European Union as they endeavor to manipulate the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Pressure to stop construction in these Jewish areas applied by the United States and the European Union has undermined the entire peace process by giving the Palestinians an issue to hold over the Israelis and hinder any honest approach to this peace process.
This scenario is exactly what Jesus said would happen in the last days. In His Olivet Discourse, as recorded in Luke 21:24, the Lord told the Jewish people that Jerusalem would be trodden down (controlled) by the Gentiles until He returned to the Earth. Daniel, an ancient Jewish prophet, wrote this same scenario in Daniel chapters 2 and 9 as he foretold that the Gentiles would have control of the Jewish people until Jesus Christ comes back to resolve this conflict. By the way, the United States and the European Union are Gentile world powers. John, who wrote the book of Revelation, reveals the plan of God to bring Gentile world powers to defeat (Revelation 6-19).
United States and European Union pressure on the Jewish state of Israel is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Related Links
Obama offering Israel incentives to extend freeze on settlement construction, say reports - The Guardian
Daniel: On the Times of the Gentiles - BPT (David Reagan)
U.S. Works to Persuade Israel on Settlement Freeze - New York Times
Arab League postpones meeting with Abbas on talks - Jerusalem Post
US, Euro diplomats strive to save Mideast talks - AFP
Abrahamic Covenant - (Tony Garland)