By Olivier Melnick
New Antisemitism
I have had my doubts about President Obama's true position on Israel and the Middle-East crisis from the start of his presidency. I often felt that the messages he sent were ambiguous at best and that his relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu was less than appropriate for a head of state. But, in all fairness to both sides, and because I am not a political analyst by trade, I had to give it time, so I did.
Today, I can honestly say that I no longer have doubts about President Obama's stance on Israel! The cat is definitely out of the bag. PRESIDENT OBAMA IS NO FRIEND OF ISRAEL, PERIOD!
Most of us remember when President Obama didn't have the time to have dinner with Prime Minister Netanyahu after they had officially met at the White House. That was unfortunate but nevertheless plausible.
Yet, what took place in the last few days solidified my opinion of President Obama and his view of Israel. On September 11, Netanyahu reached out to our president and announced that he would be coming to the US later this month, hoping that the two could have a short meeting at the White House.
In light of the situation with Iran and several other of Israel's neighbors in the Middle-East, this would appear to be an important request for a meeting of the two heads of state, if not a desperate cry for help from Netanyahu (although I am not convinced that crying for help is in Bibi's DNA!)
The White House responded that President Obama's schedule would not allow him to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Originally I was flabbergasted at President Obama's decision simply because of the importance of such a meeting, for such critical time as this. Let's face it, it is no longer a matter of months before Iran gets nuclear power but a matter of weeks. Netanyahu can hear the clock ticking in his own backyard, and it was in no uncertain terms that he rightfully declared his concern to the US when he said:
“The world tells Israel, wait, there’s still time, and I say ‘Wait for what, wait until when?’” ... “Those in the international community who refuse to put a red line before Iran don’t have the moral right to place a red light before Israel.”
Of course, this sounded a bit arrogant, nevertheless, it is the absolute truth. But it doesn't matter because our President is too busy to meet. Too busy with what? We must examine the White House's response IN CONTEXT of current events and of President Obama's schedule.
As it turns out, President Obama is scheduled to be on the Late Show with David Letterman on September 18 (his fifth visit on the show and his second one as a U.S. president), so, OF COURSE he doesn't have time for Netanyahu. What a shame!
I see President Obama's decision not to meet with Netanyahu as a major mistake from three different perspectives:
1. A Mistake of Diplomatic Proportions
Never in the entire history of the United States was any Israeli prime minister ever treated that poorly or denied a meeting with the President, especially in a crisis situation such as the current one. President Obama being too busy for Mr. Netanyahu because he will appear on Letterman is a major slap in the face of Israel. But wait, could you please turn the other cheek Mr. Netanyahu while President Obama decides to meet with Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Morsi around the same time? PRESIDENT OBAMA IS NO FRIEND OF ISRAEL, PERIOD!
2. A Mistake of Political Proportions
In about 50 days, on November 6, the fate of America will be decided. President Obama is struggling to get the necessary votes to put him back in office for another 4 years. I agree that campaigning is critical, but not at the expense of the only real ally we have in the Middle-East (unless of course he doesn't care about Israel). He needs the Jewish vote more than ever and as it stands, many Jewish voters are not in such a hurry to put him back in office. It is going to take a lot more than a photo-op at the wailing wall to earn Jewish loyalty. Shunning Mr. Netanyahu like he just did might simply cost him the Jewish vote. PRESIDENT OBAMA IS NO FRIEND OF ISRAEL, PERIOD!
3. A Mistake of Biblical Proportions
Of course, there is an aspect that President Obama might be taking even more lightly, and that is the biblical mandate that Christians have to Israel and the Jewish people. He claims to be a Christian but has displayed very little fruit so far. His agenda for same-sex marriage and abortion most certainly sends a different message. Add to that his now obvious disdain for Israel and he might end-up finding himself on the cursing side of Genesis 12:3, not a good place to be for anybody as we are also reminded from Psalm 83:1-5 that when you go after Israel and the Jewish people, you go after God Himself!
President Obama is not literally "going after Israel" but his lack of commitment and arrogance towards Israel is rapidly paving the way for those who won't think twice before going to war against her. Additionally, after seeing his response (or lack of) to the American embassy disaster in Libya, and the Cairo embassy incident, we ought to expect more of his true colors to come out in the weeks to come. After all, President Obama said it himself about the Muslims on page 261 of his book The Audacity of Hope:
“I will stand with the them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
Is there ANY context where this is not saying what this is saying? PRESIDENT OBAMA IS NO FRIEND OF ISRAEL, PERIOD!
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, I am reminded of the yearning that we Jews have to be on good terms with God. That is why every year at this season, we wish one another L'Shanah Tova Tikatev v'Taihateim, meaning "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year".
It was almost 30 years ago that God inscribed my name in the "Lamb's book of life" not just for a good year but for a secured eternity in His presence, simply because I put my trust in the death and resurrection of Yeshua of Nazareth for my sins.
As we are about to embark on the most important presidential election in the history of our country, now more than ever, your name needs to be inscribed in the "Lamb's book of life", because nothing is more certain that the uncertainty we are currently faced with!
L'Shanah tova to all of you who love my people!
- Israel’s window for action against Iran ‘is getting much smaller,’ says Ambassador Oren • Times of Israel
- Dershowitz to Newsmax: Obama’s Netanyahu Snub Puts Fla. at ‘Substantial Risk’ for Democrats •
- Confirmed: Obama Stiffed Netanyahu • Commentary (Jonathan S. Tobin)
- Obama Rebuffs Netanyahu on Setting Limits on Iran’s Nuclear Program • New York Times
- The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People • Hebrew for Christians