Feb 21, 2011

The United States: 1776-2011?

Jim FletcherBy Jim Fletcher
Prophecy Matters

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For the moment, the U.S. political leadership has not jettisoned its alliance with Israel. But it’s a matter of time. A recent United Nations resolution condemning the building of Israeli “settlements” as illegal was vetoed by the U.S. Yet, the stage is being quickly set for America to follow suit wholesale.

According to ABC News:

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Israeli settlements ‘illegitimate’ shortly before the United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning continued Israeli settlement expansion as illegal.”
Notice the distinction our diplomats and president are making: illegitimate vs. illegal. There isn’t a hair’s-breadth of difference between the two, politically.

ABC News anchor Christiane Amanpour interviewed Clinton last week, and the secretary of state had this to say:
"I think it is absolutely clear to say, number one, that it's been American policy for many years that settlements were illegitimate and it is the continuing goal and highest priority of the Obama administration to keep working toward a two-state solution with both Israelis and Palestinians."
First of all, while that has been U.S. policy since the 1967 Six Day War, Ronald Reagan and even Lyndon Johnson did not closely follow Clinton’s worldview (and that’s what this is all about: what our leadership believes about reality).

Plus, Hillary Clinton is simply acting-out her leftist/socialist views, which she shares with the current president.

Raised in Park Ridge, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago), Hillary Clinton was influenced early on by her United Methodist Church (currently, arguably the most anti-Israel denomination in the U.S.), including youth leader Don Jones, who introduced the kids to leftist theologians like Paul Tillich.

Under this kind of tutelage, Clinton would have learned that a good deal of the Bible is myth. When one buys into that, it’s a short step into completely missing the special-ness of Israel and the Jews.

In any event, this kind of weak stance on Israel is noticed by our enemies, which recognize that America will no longer oppose them.

According to a Reuters article this past week:
“The Brotherhood is viewed with suspicion by Washington but is seen as the only truly organized bloc in Egypt and reckons it could win up to 30 percent of votes in a free election.

“In another sign of the transformation of Egyptian politics, al-Gama'a al-Islamiya (Islamic Group), which took up arms against Mubarak's administration in the 1990s and was crushed by security forces, held its first public meeting in 15 years.

"’Our position is to turn a new page with the new regime,’ said Assem Abdel-Maged, a group member who spent years in jail for his role in the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat. ‘We will perform any positive role we can to help society.’"
Well, killers aren’t interested in “helping society” and it’s quite revealing that Washington views the Muslim Brotherhood with “suspicion,” but also sees it as an organized bloc. Whatever happened to refusing to recognize terrorist entities?

Viewing with suspicion at the same time one recognizes them is identical to the above “illegitimate” vs. “illegal” stance.

All this comes at a time when Israel continues to maintain its vigilance against vicious, close enemies, at the same time they produce miracle after miracle in other arenas (such as medicine and economics).

Egypt’s economic growth forecasts — itself just a comical phrase — will be cut back about 4 percent, from a projected 6 percent, and its stock market was shut for three weeks.

Israel’s economy grew 7.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010!

My friends, this is astonishing, and how people can miss the sovereign will of God in the life of modern Israel is beyond me.

I do swim against the tide of even many pro Israel supporters who are very worried about Israel’s safety.

The Bible is easy to read and it states quite clearly that at the time of the end, Israel’s enemies will go down to historic defeat. When the God of the universe declares that when Israel’s enemies gather for a final attack against His people, and His “fury” will rise in His face…why on earth are we sweating Israel’s safety?

Oh, I know, we have to take into account current realities, blah, blah, blah.

But do we? Can we take God at His word? It’s not that we stop praying for Israel, but perhaps you can direct some of your prayers for her enemies.

Because on the day they turn to attack the Jewish state, God will rise and He will act. And when he gets through with them, the blood-spatter will reach the moon.

In the end — literally — I am sad to see my country, which I have loved all my life, treat Israel the Miracle in this manner. At least I can say this:

Hillary Clinton does not speak for me.

Related Links
Hillary Slams Settlements—Again - FrontPage Magazine (P. David Hornik)
Israel Through The Eyes Of Scripture - SpiritandTruth.org (Tony Garland)
Welcome to the world's only Arab bone marrow registry – in Israel - Israel21c.org
The settlements are neither, 'illegitimate' nor 'illegal' - American Thinker (Ted Belman)
President Obama’s Passive Aggressive Veto of Anti-Israel UN Vote and the Future of United States/Israel Relations - David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog (Jeff Dunetz)