Apr 2, 2010

Jerusalem - The Throne of Yahweh

Jim HutchensBy Jim Hutchens
The Jerusalem Connection

Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, chairman of the House Republican Conference said: "I never thought I'd live to see the day that an American administration would denounce the Jewish state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem."

God says: “I have chosen Jerusalem for my Name to be there…I will defend this city and save it, for my sake and for the sake of David my servant … At that time they will call Jerusalem The Throne of Yahweh, and all nations will gather in Jerusalem to honor the name of Yahweh …Then you will know that I Yahweh your God, dwell in Zion, my holy hill. Jerusalem will be holy; never again will foreigners invade her.” (II Chronicles 6:6; II Kings 19:34; Jeremiah 3:17; Joel 3:17.)

The Jerusalem Connection says: The big clamor is over Israel’s right to build in east Jerusalem which includes the Mount of Olives. Policy makers in the U.S. and elsewhere would do well to note that Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:9-12) and that is the place he will return. (Zechariah 14:1-9). If they do not, they will find themselves fighting against God. When Messiah comes (returns) He destroys those nations that have been gathered against Israel. He is sovereign over this piece of real estate and the wrath of God awaits those who challenge His Lordship. “On that day there will be one Yahweh, and His name the only name.”

Related Links

Koch Outraged By Obama's Treatment of Israel Over Housing Construction - FOX News
Israeli strikes hit Gaza weapons factories - UPI
Christians converge on Jerusalem for Good Friday - BusinessWeek
Introduction to the Biblical Covenants: Davidic Covenant - SpiritandTruth.org (Tony Garland)
Palestinian PM: We will have a state next year - Ha'aretz
BEYOND COMBAT - James M. Hutchens (Book)