The world is in great unrest - headlines around the world have problems related to North Korea, China, South America, the Middle East, and Europe. The list goes on and on whether related to Islamic radicalism or financial duress or totalitarian power grabs. In Honduras there has been a military coup, affiliated with Venezuela's communist dictator Hugo Chavez. North Korea's nuclear threats against the United States has caused a military build up in the surrounding area and uneasiness in South Korea. Iran has banned journalists from reporting on opposition protests across the country from its recent election, which could have been rigged by the radical Ayatollahs.
In the United States, the country is continuing on a downslide. Jobless claims are rising at the same time government-friendly economists are trying to convince people that the economy is coming out of the recession. Congress continues its tax and spend ways by passing a cap and trade global warming bill that promises to end the free enterprise system if implemented to its fullest. And the current White House has teamed with the mainstream media to make a convincing, if not false, case for socialized medicine. This is in addition to the recent socialist-style bailouts that are are driving the budget deficit far beyond previous records strapping each American citizen with thousands of dollars of future debt.
The outlook for Christian believers is also pretty dim. The homosexual agenda espoused by the current White House threatens religious free speech in the name of hate crimes. There are various policies that will result in taxpayer money funding abortions both in the United States and worldwide. The Islamic colonization of America continues at a rapid pace and seems to be favored in many local areas around the nation. Even school systems are allowing the teaching of Islamic customs while at the same time not allowing Jewish and Christian traditions to be embraced by school children. The cards seem stacked against the Godly.
Many people write and ask what can be done. Certainly, we are a world and a nation not unlike what was occurring in Biblical times. There are many references to the solution when a nation is in decline because of corruption and immorality. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says,
"If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."Jesus Christ said in John 16:33,
"In the world you shall have tribulation: but be off good cheer; I have overcome the world."If we repent and place our trust in Jesus by standing on His word, we too, can overcome these times.
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