Mar 11, 2009

Millions of Muslims Turning to Christ

By Joel C. Rosenberg

...Excerpts from the transcript of the Glenn Beck radio show:

ROSENBERG: Now, get this one, Glenn. This just in the last couple of days. You know, as I’m making the case in this book, Ahmadinejad is bringing Iran and the world to the most dangerous moment in the Islamic revolution. We’re 30 years into the Islamic revolution now. But this is the most dangerous moment and you and I have talked about why. But what’s interesting is to me is that just this past weekend the moderate Muslim country of Morocco whom I spend two chapters on in this book — these are good guys — they have just severed all diplomatic ties with Iran because Iran has gone over the edge in their belligerence, the radicalism. And yet the United States, under President Obama, has decided to engage the radical belligerent, you know, “We’re bringing about the end of the world” leadership. How is Morocco more sane on this issue than our own government?

GLENN: You know, let me tell you something, because they don’t understand it. They are living in a place of denial on this. Let me ask you this: How do you sit down and negotiate and have open talks with somebody who says I’ll have open talks at the table. When you –

ROSENBERG: Give up your Satanic ways?

GLENN: Give up your Satanic ways.

ROSENBERG: Yeah, that’s a hard negotiating position for Secretary Clinton — how do you look someone in the eye and say, list me the Satanic ways so we could work on this….You know what’s interesting in the heart of it, I totally agree with you, Glenn. One of the things I found over the last couple of years of crisscrossing the Islamic world is as you just alluded to with Morocco, because Moroccans are Muslim, they do understand.

GLENN: I know.

ROSENBERG: They are living inside the region and they understand it. What we’re finding is mass defect shun by the millions, really by the tens of millions of Muslims from Islam.

Now, some of them, many millions, are becoming followers of Jesus Christ. Not all, and I wouldn’t even say most. But it’s extraordinary the soul-searching that’s going on inside the Muslim world as Muslims are watching radicals kill other Muslims and saying, if that’s it, if that’s what it means to be a pure Muslim, I’m out. I can’t do this anymore.

GLENN: Joel, I tell you, there’s soul-searching going on in the entire world. I really truly believe that an enlightened period is coming. A great, great vast darkness but also a great miraculous enlightened period is coming as well because sides are being chosen.


GLENN: And there is no middle ground. You are either going to be engaged with darkness or with light, and I think people are starting to feel that and they’re starting to say, you know, they’re starting to feel callings on, “Well, wait a minute.” And those who don’t — those who dismiss it, those who don’t root themselves in the truth I think are going to be in very, very deep trouble. I just, maybe this is me.

ROSENBERG: I’m with you on that. And I tell you, you know, there’s a guy I need to introduce you to, literally, physically introduce you to. He is the “Glenn Beck of the Revivalists.” He is an Egyptian Coptic priest named Father Zakaria Botros. I profile him inside this book in the revolution. And he reaches 50 million Muslims a day. They are watching him now by satellite television in the Muslim world. Because he’s taking on Islam verse by verse, chapter by chapter, hadith by hadith and he’s deconstructing it. Then because he’s a believer in Jesus, he explains now this is the truth. Now, people call in to his show and they’re furious.

GLENN: Okay….I have a network break but I have to tell you we’ll talk more about this tonight on television.