Shalom from Jerusalem!
Here is this month’s Israel news and analysis report, which naturally takes a detailed look at Israel’s recent national Knesset elections, and the prospects of Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu forming a viable coalition government. He is initially attempting to stitch together a broad national unity government, but so far the leaders of the currently ruling Kadima party and its main coalition Labor party ally are resisting his advances. The former premier is arguing that the existential threat from Iran’s nuclear program and the escalating global economic crisis necessitates as strong and broad a government as possible during this critical year, but some political egos seem to be thwarting his attempts, at least so far.
I also take a brief look at the latest attacks from Hamas and how government policy might change toward that radical Palestinian Islamic group and its regional ally Iran under a Netanyahu administration.
Meanwhile the land has been experiencing a much needed major winter storm, helping to replenish depleted water sources in the Sea of Galilee and the country’s two underground fresh water aquifers. But much more rainfall is needed in the few remaining weeks of the annual rainy season.
May you be safe, warm and dry wherever you are located on this increasingly troubled planet earth!