Jul 13, 2008

Mediterranean Union To Be Launched

By Rodrigo Silva

France will on Sunday (13 July) launch the Union for the Mediterranean – the brainchild of President Nicolas Sarkozy, which will bring together EU member states and a number of North African and Middle East countries."Do you know how moving it is for us to see the Arab heads of state sitting at the same table as the Israeli head of state, in a European capital?" Mr Sarkozy told journalists on Thursday.

In March, the bloc's leaders agreed on a final and more general version of the project, which is to include 44 countries – the EU's 27 members, plus Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey as well as Mauritania, Monaco, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania.

(Note from the editor-- With the exception of Israel, most of the nations mentioned above are Islamic nations. The Bible strongly suggests that the Antichrist will be an Islamic leader from the Middle East.)

Read full article: http://euobserver.com/9/26478

Our Prophetic Perspective

In February of 2008 I wrote an article titled The Kingdom of the Antichrist: An Alternate View where I explain that the European Union alone is not the base of the Antichrist as many suppose, but also the Middle East and North Africa. The European Union as the revived Roman Empire will be a fraction of the beast's empire represented by one of the heads of the beast as explained in the article. The Mediterranean Union to be launched is the beginning of the formation of the Antichrist' s empire. Notice that the Mediterranean Union will include many African and Middle Eastern Islamic nations as seen on the news headline above. Eventually Iraq and Iran will also become part of a greater geopolitical union which will be the political base of the Antichrist as explained in our article titled The Middle East and the Beast of Revelation.

Some Bible scholars believe that the empire of the Antichrist will be a revived form of the Roman Empire and if that is indeed the case, the map of the Mediterranean Union will be almost identical to the map of the Roman Empire. Read our related article titled July 13,2008: A Prophetic Day is Here!...and compare both maps.

Bible Prophecy In The News has posted a New article titled: Beauty and the Beast: The Prophetic Version which can be read at:


In Christ' s service,
Rodrigo Silva