Mar 8, 2008

Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu Leaders to Meet With Pope Benedict XVI in Washington

By Rodrigo Silva

WASHINGTON, March 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Jain and Hindu communities will meet with Pope Benedict XVI April 17, at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center during the April 15-20 papal visit to the United States.

The meeting will include a papal address, greetings from inter-faith leaders and the presentation of symbolic gifts by young members of each community.

Bishop Richard Sklba, chair of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs, noted that the theme Religions Working for Peace will run through the meeting, to which 200 leaders have been invited.

"The cry for peace in our world calls for religious bodies to come together," Bishop Sklba said. "This meeting denotes the Holy Father's belief in the need for religious bodies to stress the goal for peace which lies at the heart of all religions. It "exemplifies what must happen all over the world."

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Our Prophetic Perspective on the News

In our last Prophetic Perspective e-mail we saw how the Pope claimed that Roman primacy is necessary in the Church and Veltroni's project to construct a building in Rome to be called ''United Religion.'' Now we see leaders of other religions meeting with the Pope for interfaith dialogues.

We are seeing the formation of a One World Religion to be headed by the Vatican. The Bible tells us that a global religious system will be located in Rome during the Great Tribulation.(Revelation 17). This global religious system will support the political system of the Antichrist and will promote the worship of the Antichrist.

I do not think we have much time left on this earth. Jesus is on His way to Rapture His true Church before the world sees itself in a religious and political chaos.
