Feb 10, 2012

This Week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'

Hal LindseyBy Hal Lindsey
The Hal Lindsey Report

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In September of 2011, members of the Canadian government put their signatures to a document called "The Ottawa Protocol to Combat Anti-Semitism." At the signing ceremony, a member of the Canadian parliament, Professor Irwin Cotler remarked, "Anti-Semitism is not only the longest known form of hatred in the history of humanity, it is the only form of hatred that is truly global."

Prime Minister Stephen Harper noted, "Those who would hate and destroy the Jewish people would ultimately hate and destroy the rest of us as well."

Prime Minister Harper's implication is clear. Those who would destroy the Jews, then destroy the rest of us as well, are evil. Or, at least, driven by evil. That's why God Himself deemed it necessary to publicly promise to curse those who curse or harm His chosen people. Conversely, He also publicly promised to bless those who bless or protect and benefit the Jews.

Now, before you dismiss these words as the ravings of a lunatic "Christian Zionist," let me remind you of something you may have overlooked or forgotten. Maybe you've never even heard this. After the believing Church has been raptured from this earth and the time of great Tribulation has fallen upon the world, Jesus Christ will return to the earth in His promised Second Coming. After saving the Jews and the world from utter destruction, He will then sit in judgment.

Did you know that the criteria He will use to judge those Gentiles who stand before Him (the Jews will be judged separately) will be how they treated His people during the time of Tribulation? Matthew 25 describes what will happen.

And you thought the cry of "anti-Semitism" was like the young shepherd boy crying "Wolf?" Not so. Anti-Semitism then and now is very important to God.

We are witnessing an explosion of anti-Semitic incidents across the world, from the Muslim enclaves of Europe to the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations here in America. Even the current Administration displays a disturbing attitude of anti-Semitism—practiced by prominent officials even if not openly espoused. And Bible prophecy tells us that it will only increase as we approach the end of this Age.

Folks, if this tells us one thing for certain, it's this: How we treat the Jews and the Jewish nation is serious business.

Tune in this week and I'll discuss all of this in greater detail.

[Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Please check your local listings.]

Related Links

The Source of Anti-Semitism • SpiritandTruth.org (Andy Woods)
Unwarranted attacks against Israel • One News Now
Anti-Semitism in the Presbyterian Church • Arutz Sheva
An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 39) • BPB (Thomas Ice)
Knesset receives 4,000 Canadian signatures of support • Jerusalem Post