By Dr. Paul Henebury
Veritas School of Theology
There are usually three logical plans given by dispensationalists which attempt to answer the question, “In what logical order did God plan His redemptive acts?” These are known respectively as supralapsarianism, infralapsarianism, and sublapsarianism.1 The term “Lapsarian” is from the Latin word lapse meaning “fall.” Hence, lapsarianism has to do with belief in the Fall of Adam and its concomitants. This is especially the case as regards the relation of the Fall to the eternal decrees of God. Since God foreknew that Adam would fall (and that mankind would fall in him), and that He would send His Son to restore those whom He elected to save, the question arises as to the order - both scriptural and logical - of the soteric decrees. It also must relate the soteric decrees to the creative decrees so as to insure harmony in God's eternal plan. Therefore, theologians have posited various orders of the decrees to try to address the problem.
The Supralapsarian Order
The supralapsarian (supra - over) position teaches that in the order of the decrees the decree to elect certain individuals and to reprobate others is logically prior to all the rest.
Chafer2 lists the order set forth by supralapsarianism as follows:
- Decree to elect some to be saved and to reprobate all others.
- Decree to create men both elect and nonelect.
- Decree to permit the fall.
- Decree to provide salvation to the elect.
- Decree to apply salvation to the elect.
These problems have traditionally led most Calvinists to avoid the supralapsarian scheme (although such prominent leaders like Beza, Gomarus, Perkins, Gerhaardus Vos, and Gordon H. Clark have embraced it).
One modern advocate of the supralapsarian order of decrees is Robert Reymond. He has recently proposed a changed order:
- The election of some sinful men to salvation in Christ (and the reprobation of the rest of sinful mankind in order to make known the riches of God's gracious mercy to the elect).
- The decree to apply Christ's redemptive benefits to the elect sinners.
- The decree to redeem the elect sinners by the cross work of Christ.
- The decree that men should fall.
- The decree to create the world and men.4
The Infralapsarian Order
Among those who call themselves Reformed this is the most common of the lapsarian positions. It is the acknowledged position as set forth in most of the historic Reformed creeds and confessions: e.g. the Westminster Confession; the Belgic Confession; and the Articles of Dordt (although none of these is anti-supralapsarian). The infralapsarian (i.e. after the Fall) order may be set down thus:
- The decree to create men.
- The decree to permit the fall.
- The decree to elect those who believe and to leave in just condemnation all who do not believe.
- The decree to provide a Redeemer for the elect.
- The decree to apply salvation to the elect.
The Sublapsarian Order
Although very few Reformed theologians recognize it, this is the position customarily set forth by dispensationalists. The order of decrees in the sublapsarian position is as follows:
- The decree to create all men.
- The decree to permit the fall.
- The decree to provide salvation for [all] men.
- The decree to elect those who do believe and to leave in just condemnation those who do not believe.
- The decree to apply salvation to those who believe.
On the other hand, to reverse the order logically invites a limited atonement. For why would God provide an atonement for those He has already passed over in His decree of election? Thus, limited atonement implies infra or supralapsarianism, and this has crucial knock-on effects. If the decree to elect is logically prior to the decree to atone a universal atonement makes no sense. Not only that, but it would make no sense to give the gift of faith to anyone but the elect. And if faith is given only to the elect it would again seem logical that it is given them at the point when they are made alive or regenerated by the Holy Spirit. That would seem to require that the ordo salutis have regeneration coming logically before faith (another thing that five point Calvinists are insistent upon).
Now comes the rub. If this scenario is true it will be born out by exegesis of the text of Scripture. But, of course, this is what the vast majority of dispensationalists deny. One of the main reasons they give for this is “the normal and literal meaning” disallows a limited interpretation.8 In short, dispensationalists are not by and large limited redemptionists because of their hermeneutics. But this ought to mean that they cannot hold to regeneration preceding the gift of faith either. If they do we believe a little thought about our example about the order of the decrees will make obvious the logical force of them holding to an infralapsarian arrangement, which, in turn calls for a belief in limited atonement. Finally, this would mean that any search by a dispensationalist for “proof texts” to sustain a belief in regeneration preceding faith would invalidate their hermeneutical consistency, and so in principle, deny a key tenet of dispensationalism. Thus, just as consistent literal hermeneutics naturally leads to belief in pretribulationism, so also it ought to lead to a denial of regeneration before faith.
We could argue the same way about other beliefs, such as infant baptism, which we hold to be an incongruity for a dispensational theologian to believe in.
Our point is that a “theology from the ground up” – founded upon consistent normative interpretation, will produce its marks in every area of dispensational theology.9
1. Although it should be noted that Reformed writers will normally identify sublapsarianism with infralapsarianism.
2. Chafer, Systematic Theology, 3.179.
3. Ibid.
4. Robert L. Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 489.
5. It may be worthwhile setting out Chafer’s infralapsarian order in comparison:
- The decree to create all men.
- The decree to permit the fall.
- The decree to provide salvation for men (notice Chafer does not say “some men”).
- The decree to elect those who do believe and to leave in just condemnation all who do not believe (again, note that in the above list this stands third).
- The decree to apply salvation.
It is even more surprising when Chafer himself (3.181) quotes Hodge who gives the correct order as we have presented it.
7. It should be pointed out that the supposed problem of a universal atonement leading to universalism in salvation is avoided by separating the oblation or achievement at Calvary from its application. Notice how Dispensational methodology issues in biblical perspectivalism.
8. For instance, Robert P. Lightner, The Death Christ Died: A Biblical Case for Unlimited Atonement, (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1998), 109.
9. We say it with the greatest respect, but it is our belief that many dispensationalists have “piggy-backed” on Reformed theology, only fully dismounting once they reach eschatology.