By Joseph Farah
Environmentalist wackos are coming up with all kinds of weird plans to save the planet.
Last week, one suggested we get rid of our pet dogs. Apparently, they leave a significant "carbon footprint." Not my dog. He leaves some droppings behind, but not that much carbon. Nothing that would endanger the planet.
This week, some self-proclaimed "lord" in England who serves as the government's "climate chief" said it's time for people to give up meat to cut down on greenhouses gases. He didn't mention whether he was volunteering to go first or whether it was only non-lords who would be required to give up meat.
I've got some news for these people getting ready for draconian power grabs in Copenhagen at the end of this year.
They are getting to be a royal pain in the keister.
First of all, the climate changes – and there's nothing man can do about it.
It has always changed and it always will.
It gets warmer and cooler.
The proof is these people were telling us 30 years ago we were headed for a new ice age. It got warmer. Then 15 years ago they began telling us the planet was getting too warm, the polar ice caps were melting and catastrophe was around the corner. Since then, the planet has cooled virtually every year.
No longer do they even mention global warming.
Now it's "climate change" we have to fear!
If these people weren't so powerful, it would be laughable.
But they are powerful, and they are using fear tactics to motivate people to hand over their freedom to unaccountable authorities to remake the world in their own image. And most of the people who believe them haven't been around long enough to understand their con game – one of the biggest frauds and hoaxes ever to be perpetrated on the people of the world.
Whether you have a dog or not won't make a bit of difference on the climate. To think it matters is simply superstition. It's voodoo science.
Whether you eat meat or not won't make a bit of difference on the climate. To think it matters is to suspend your reasoning faculties.
The climate is going to continue changing no matter which kind of light bulb you use.
The climate is going to continue changing whether you recycle or not.
The climate is going to continue changing whether you ride a bicycle to work or drive an SUV.
Come on, people, use your heads!
The folks freaking out about your lifestyle have been wrong every step of the way in their pseudo-scientific predictions. They will continue to be wrong.
If you want to give up meat or euthanize your dog, that's your choice. But understand it will have no impact on the temperature of the planet.
If you want to use an incandescent light bulb or a compact fluorescent, be my guest. But understand it will have no impact on the fate of the planet.
If you want to recycle or not, that's your business. But understand it will not impact the climate of Earth – not by one-millionth of a degree.
That's not to say there is nothing we can do to save the planet. There is.
This planet is doomed.
But it's not because of what we eat, how we light our homes or what kinds of pets we keep.
There is something we can give up that will make a drastic impact on all our lives.
There is something from which we can abstain that will make all our lives better and save us from destruction.
What's that? What can we give up to ward off the coming judgment?
We can give up sin.
I know. I can hear the chuckles and snickers from here. I can hear them from the people who think God cares about which light bulbs we use. I can hear them from the people who think God cares whether we eat meat or not. I can hear them from the people who think God cares if we recycle.
He doesn't.
He cares about one thing – obedience to His laws.
And the last I checked, I didn't see anywhere in His commandments anything about, "Thou shalt not leave a significant carbon footprint."
Related Links
Cool on Climate Change - New Christian coalition says fighting global warming will hurt the poor - Christianity Today
Sen. Graham: ‘We need to use the coal that God has given us’ - Raw Story
Energy Bill Won't Solve Global Warming - Institute for Creation Research
Baucus balks at climate change legislation - Washington Times
Copenhagen Treaty: bad science, dangerous policy - (blog)
White House Urges Action on Climate Change - Christian Broadcasting Network
Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality, and Justice - Joseph Farah (Book)