Aug 25, 2009

White House Using Scare Tactics and Children to Establish Socialism

Bill WilsonBy Bill Wilson

The healthcare socialization battle in the White House war against Americans has taken a new turn - scare tactics to cause Americans to accept government control of their lives. In the past two days, numerous stories have been written about how the government is preparing for a swine flu pandemic. First, there was a story quoting Health and Human Services spokesman Bill Hall that there are only 45 million doses of the swine flu vaccine that will be ready by mid-October - about a third of the anticipated need of 120 million. Then a White House panel of scientific advisors issues a warning that swine flu may hospitalize 1.8 million and kill double the people of a normal flu season, about 90,000.

When the swine flu outbreak occurred in Mexico in April, the White House declared a national health emergency. But Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to issue travel advisories or to screen passengers on flights arriving from Mexico. Dr. Richard Besser, head of the Center for Disease Control, said at the time,

"We do think this will continue to spread but we are taking aggressive actions to minimize the impact on people's health."
Instead of shutting down travel and border crossings, the Feds released 12 million vaccine doses. Now, as children are returning to school, the White House has issued a report that the swine flu "poses a serious health threat to the nation." editor Mike Adams reported on August 5 that the patent protecting the swine flu vaccine states that "ingredients used in the vaccine are derived from the kidneys of African Green Monkeys who are first infected with the virus, then allowed to fester the disease, and then are killed so that their diseased organs can be used to make vaccine ingredients." Adams also documented that the patent is held by the National Institutes of Health and a large military defense contractor, DynCorp. DynCorp, Adams says, is contracted by the US government to patrol the US/Mexico border, near where the first H1N1 swine flu virus was originally detected.

The swine flu vaccine may do more harm than good. London's Daily Mail reported on August 15 that the UK's Health Protection Agency warned that the vaccine could trigger a brain disorder that "attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breath, and can be fatal." The White House is using the media, school children, and the swine flu to scare Americans into accepting socialized medicine. It is complicit in allowing the swine flu into the United States and is working with a military contractor that stands to benefit greatly from an epidemic. Think the unthinkable. This is war. We must stand.

Hebrews 13:6 says,
"The Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."

Related Links

Jail time and $1000/day fine for refusing swine flu vaccine -
Obama participated in socialist party - WorldNetDaily
The vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu - Center for Research on Globalization
Stopping Obamacare: Ten Bucks for Tark, Part 2. -