Michael Jackson’s death has dominated news since Thursday, June 26. The “King of Pop” sent the performer’s fans and media types into a frenzy of mourning and recounting his prolific successes over the years. We remember how fans and the world reacted to the death of the “King of Rock & Roll” in August of 1977. Elvis Presley’s death reverberates to this day, but now will have to share the posthumous stage lights of idolization with the man who gave the world “Thriller” and many other mega sellers, and who was at the center of producing the globalist anthem, “We Are the World.”
My friend Chris of New York City sent an article that sparked this week’s commentary. He said,
“I think that it's interesting that Google servers were shut down temporarily when it was announced that Michael Jackson had died.”Chris called me Friday morning while I sat with my younger son, Nathan, in a restaurant at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. Chris said he had sent me a newspaper article, and made the observation that it was amazing, even eerie, how the death of a single performer could so affect a massive Internet entity. The article excerpt explains:
“The shocking news of the King of Pop's sudden death yesterday sparked so much Web traffic that Google's news-link Web site had to put a temporary block on "Michael Jackson" search requests. Google's computers incorrectly interpreted the flood of requests as a "denial of service" attack meant to crash the news site. The flood of chatter and tributes did bring down sites across the World Wide Web. The superstar's home page barely functioned after the announcement. Eventually, the site's links were removed, leaving only a depiction of Jackson in his trademark white T-shirt and black jacket and hat shown against a blood-red background with the words: ‘King of Pop.’ Also inaccessible was the home page for London's O2 concert venue, where Jackson was set to kick off an epic, 50-date tour next month. Three of the top five searches on Google last night related to Jackson. Twitter also was abuzz when rumors of the pop star's death -- the subject of hundreds of thousands of blog postings -- first began to circulate late yesterday afternoon…” (Tom Liddy, “Mass Mourning Results in Web Crash,” New York Post, June 26, 2009,)My phone conversation with Chris the Friday following Jackson’s death and the subsequent Google crash centered around what will happen when millions upon millions suddenly vanish from earth. Specifically, we thought about Todd’s - I believe - Holy Spirit-engendered thinking and planning for the immediate reaction following the Rapture.
Reaction to the death of the “King of Pop” far surpassed in sheer global response the death of the “King of Rock & Roll.” The reaction almost instantly, because of the electrifying advances in communications since Elvis‘ death in 1977, touched the senses of every person within societies that have the technical capabilities to be informed.
When the Rapture of the church (all believers in Christ for salvation) happens, as Todd constantly reminds, the people of the planet will think of one word after the panic subsides a bit and people start searching in earnest for answers: “RAPTURE!”
When they type in the word, www.raptureready.com will leap at the searching eyes of a shocked, left-behind people. I believe the Lord has been preparing the senses of the people of this world for thinking this word - Rapture - for when the stupendous event occurs. Although I am the least person of technical savvy, especially when it comes to computers and the Internet, I understand enough to know that Todd plans to continue working toward mirror sites, and in other ways, to delay as long as possible the meltdown of the tremendous information about the Rapture and God’s salvation message when the Rapture takes place. More than that, however, is the conviction that the Lord himself will perform whatever miracles necessary to keep Rapture Ready and other websites containing His message of truth open for all who search the Net. I take the Lord at his Word when He said,
“ Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).The “King of Rock & Roll” has passed away, the “King of Pop” has passed away, and so too one day, all of the hoopla surrounding those humanity has made their idols will pass away with the fallen world system. But, the King who truly deserves the praise, honor, and glory — His Word will never pass away. It is the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords we are looking for to come again to make all things right. It is this truth, and all attendant to God’s glorious plan for mankind, to which Rapture Ready is committed and dedicated.
***Report on History Channel filming***
The “shoot,”--as the LA types call it--for The History Channel documentary went very well last Thursday, June 26. I honestly sensed the presence of the Lord while fielding the interview questions from the interviewer.
My thankfulness goes to Him, and my profound thanks goes to each of you who prayed for that endeavor, as I know you did. Your prayers were felt, I assure, and made all the difference in being able to do what I know is God’s will and work in this filming.
The History Channel folks were most kind, generous, and accommodating. I am indebted to them for their warm hospitality.
Thanks again to each of you for your prayers and thoughts, as together we strive to put forth God’s Word at every opportunity He presents to us.