Feb 23, 2009

The Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is the One Million Dollar Peace Man

By Jimmy DeYoung

The University of Tel Aviv, in Israel, has awarded the Peace Envoy for the Quartet, Tony Blair, a one million dollar prize for his efforts to make peace in the Middle East, a peace that would include the Islamic Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, as a partner in the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Quartet, which includes the United States, European Union, United Nations, and Russia, has empowered Blair, the former British Prime Minister, to do all that is necessary to bring about an agreement between the two parties, the Israelis and the Palestinians, and Blair has been in the forefront in pressuring Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians so that a deal can be worked out. Blair said that he will donate the one million dollar prize money to his foundation of faith, a foundation that Blair established to bring resolution to global problems through politics and religion.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that a world known political leader wins one million dollars for his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East is a precursor to the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

For decades, world leaders have been working to bring peace to the Middle East and especially to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With the appointment of a Middle East Peace Envoy that represents the Quartet, Tony Blair has been making some progress - slowly but surely. This statement has been affirmed by the reward of a one million dollar prize recently awarded to Tony Blair, the Quartet Middle East Peace Envoy.

This whole scenario is very familiar to any student of Bible prophecy and especially to those who understand the prophecies of the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel chapter 7 and 9. Chapter 7 of Daniel speaks of a worldwide leader who comes to power out of the Revived Roman Empire, the European Union of today, and becomes the world leader to establish peace in the Middle East (Daniel 7:7-8;23-24). Daniel 9:27 reveals that the world leader known by 27 different names but best known as the antichrist, will indeed establish peace between Israel and her Arab Muslim neighbors with a peace agreement. Now I am not saying that Tony Blair is that antichrist - that peace maker. However, I am saying that Tony Blair is a perfect prototype of the one to come.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Related Links

Tony Blair cashing in after launching economic advice firm - Telegraph
Brown: World needs 'global New Deal' - CNN