Oct 27, 2008

Globalist Gathering Portends Prophetic Possibilities

By Terry James

World leaders will come together November 15 in Washington, D.C. to try to resolve the first truly global economic crisis in history. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the first of what might be a series of meetings will address the crisis as to its underlying causes, the global response, and the principles that should guide in dealing with the financial upheaval.

The first of these summits will bring together the leaders of nations that participate in the G-20 finance process to discuss current economic challenges. The G-20 consists of leaders of Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, the United States, the European Union, China, Brazil, India, Russia, South Korea, and other major economies. The Bush Administration says the winner of the November 4 U.S. presidential election will be welcome to join the process between the election and the inauguration on January 20. Both of the major candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, have acknowledged that the meeting is crucial. At this point, Obama has not decided whether to attend if he is elected, saying, “We have only one president at a time.” No word has yet been given by McCain on whether he might attend, if elected. The following excerpt of a report on the summit gives insight.

“[U.S. President] Bush, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who met at the Camp David, Md., presidential retreat last week, announced the series of summits, saying the international community must work together to address the credit crisis that has shaken markets the world over.

"Bush has supported the steps European nations have taken to fix the financial markets and is willing to listen to a range of ideas from both developed and developing nations. But he hasn't signed onto the more ambitious, broad-stroke reforms that some European leaders have in mind to avoid a repeat of the market crisis that rippled around the globe…” (Deb Riechmann, Associated Press, "World leaders to meet on economy in Washington," 10/22/08).

It is more than interesting–at least to this observer—that a meeting of this scale involving a group that is seemingly of uncooperative, even antagonistic, mindsets in most matters of governance can be arranged with such swiftness. It is out of character to have such consensus (for so many to sit down together) while practically every other issue so profoundly divides world leaders that they can hardly abide sitting together on such things as lifting or imposing trade barriers and/or sanctions on bad actors on the geopolitical landscape. Certainly, getting even a minimum number of such leaders to sit down together is nigh impossible on such crucial matters as stopping nuclear proliferation.

The power of money has strange effects on man, or, as the Bible puts it, “the love of money" is at the root of all of the evil within mankind. The gathering--its quick arrangement and the high level of interest shown by total participation--should alert us to the magnitude of the economic earthquake that continues to reverberate. This worldwide financial quake has initiated what might become a quantum leap in Bible prophecy yet future.

One becomes sure, after months and years of observing developing worldwide movements, that prophetic things are indeed afoot. Thinking on these developments includes:

1) Knowing the U.S. isn’t mentioned by name in Bible prophecy, the U.S. must diminish and reviving Rome must emerge as a major power.

2) Believing that there is a global agenda brewing, the financial elite must assert/insert themselves in some profound way in order to change nationalism to global thinking, especially in matters of economic interaction.

3) Understanding that Antichrist’s regime will be based upon his ability to control economy on an instantaneous, planetary basis, computers and EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is, within some hybrid computer/satellite/internet linkage technology, the likely vehicle through which to bring to fruition the beast system of control foretold In the 13th chapter of Revelation.

It is critical to keep in mind that the EU is a prototype for the other developing regional economic unions. The North American union has been on a fast track for some time, with a regional currency--the Amero--apparently scheduled for future use. That, in conjunction with the other such unions developing around the globe, brings us to seriously consider whether the ten-toes vision Daniel the prophet interpreted for Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel, chapter 2) might be but one twinkling of an eye away.

Even more relevant to the late hour, watching while the dynamics of the economic convulsions rearrange the way the world does business, is the prophecy given John for the very end of the age: “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:12-13).