Aug 15, 2008

Sobering Lessons From Georgia Disaster

By Joel C. Rosenberg

Russia and Georgia agreed to a cease fire on August 12th. Yet at this hour, Russian forces continue to seize more Georgian territory.

The Bush administration, frankly, has done a lousy job defending our democratic ally against Putin’s aggression. The Europeans have done even worse. We are finally airlifting in humanitarian relief supplies. This is good. But shouldn’t we have been airlifting in weapons and ammunition around the clock, like we did to help Israel during the 1973 war? The Georgians feel alone. Because they are. The White House keeps warning Putin to back off or face “repercussions.” What kind? The administration refuses to be clear, so why should Putin take such bluster seriously?

Some sobering lessons have been learned this week from the Georgia disaster. Among them:

1. Putin is a new Russian Czar who wants to rebuild the Russian empire and will use force to get his way.

2. Neither the U.S. nor NATO are willing to be firm in Europe in defending a key ally against violent aggression. No one wants a war with Russia. But we have to do better than this. Such impotence in the face of Russian imperialism bodes ill for Ukraine, Poland, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other Western allies increasingly being intimidated by the Kremlin.

3. Based on events this week, Israel should be wary about accepting American or European security guarantees in any future peace deal with her neighbors.

4. A Russian attack on a democratic ally can happen fast, and almost without warning. This has prophetic implications, when you think about the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 and a “last days” war by Russia, Iran and a Mideast alliance against Israel.

5. Russia and Iran want to control the production and flow of oil and natural gas in the Caucases. Both want to dominate energy supplies in Turkey.

Related Links:

Reuters: Russian convoy moves deeper inside Georgia
Bush hits Russia on ‘bullying and intimidation’
Bush Aides Say Russia Actions in Georgia Jeopardize Ties
U.S. Defense Secretary rules out force against Russia
U.N. says 115,000 displaced by Georgia conflict