Aug 29, 2008

Abdullah And Sarkozy Voice Support For Palestinian State

By Chris Perver

Jordan's King Abdullah II and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have voiced their support for the establishment of a Palestinian state following talks at the Elysee Palace on Wednesday.

Abdullah's visit to France came shortly after his stop in Russia, in which the king pledged to increase economic co-operation between the two countries. It also follows a warming in relations between the Jordanian government and the Hamas terrorist organization that now occupies the Gaza Strip.

Abdullah and Sarkozy
issued a communiqué stressing the importance of advancing the Middle East peace process towards the establishment of a Palestinian state. They also affirmed the centrality of the European Union's role in peace-making in the Middle East, and reiterated their belief in the importance of co-operation between the countries of the EU and Middle East-North African region in all fields: political, economic, cultural and social.

Quote: "In a joint communiqué issued after their talks held at the Elysee Palace on Wednesday, the two sides stressed the importance of advancing the Middle East peace process towards the establishment of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel. They also asserted the centrality of the role the European Union in Middle East peace-making, and reiterated their strong belief in the importance of cooperation between the countries of the EU and Middle East-North African region in all fields: political, economic, cultural and social, the communiqué added. France currently hold the EU Presidency.

As you can see, whether they realize it or not, world leaders are bent in fulfilling prophecies that the Scriptures foretold would come to pass in the latter days. For the three statements that I have quoted from in this communiqué represent the fulfilment of three distinct prophecies mentioned in the Old and New Testament.

The realization of the first statement, calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state, will fulfill the prophecies concerning the division of God's land when Israel's enemies will be in siege against Judea and Jerusalem, or what is now termed the West Bank and east Jerusalem (Daniel 11:39, Zechariah 12:2, 14:2 and Revelation 11:2).

The realization of the second statement, placing the European Union at the centre of the Middle East peace process, will fulfill the prophecies concerning the coming of the Antichrist, his peace covenant with Israel and the surrounding nations, his desecration of the Temple, his persecution of the Jewish people and his eventual destruction at the return of Christ (Daniel 9:26, 9:27, 2nd Thessalonians 2:4, Mark 13:14, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 19:20).

And the realization of the third statement, calling for co-operation between the EU, Middle East and North Africa - now called the Union for the Mediterranean, will fulfill the prophecies concerning the rise of the empire of the beast out of the sea, this empire's control over the whole world and its eventual destruction at the return of Christ (Revelation 13:1, Daniel 7:24, Revelation 17:12, Daniel 7:22).

The stage is being set for the last days. The actors are all in place. The question is, what role do you play? Have you trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation? When He comes for His saints, will you be caught up to be with Him in the air? Or will you be left behind to face the wrath of God? There is no middle ground. The Lord Jesus warned that when it comes to the issue of salvation, if we are not for Christ then we are against Him (Luke 11:23). It is God's will that none should perish but that all should come to repentance (2nd Peter 3:9). Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation today.

[Source: China View, Arutz 7]