May 7, 2008

Hal Lindsey Injured In Fall At Home

By Jack Kinsella

78 Year-Old Evangelist Breaks Two Ribs

Renowned author and Bible teacher Hal Lindsey was injured when he slipped and fell into a dry swimming pool while working in his Southern California back yard.

Hal Lindsey, who will be 79 years old in November, suffered two broken ribs, some cuts and a head injury, but is expected to recover with time and rest.

I spoke with him briefly on Saturday. Although obviously in great pain, he assured me that his head injury was minor, other than a large gash on his forehead. But his rib injuries clearly made it painful to take a breath to talk.

"Praise the Lord I fell to my right," Hal told me. "If I'd fallen to my left (the deep end) it would have been much worse." (Hal is the only guy I know who would shout/whisper "Praise the Lord" about falling into a dry swimming pool.)

This morning, Hal sent me an Instant Message saying that "he was feeling much better, thanks for your prayers." I asked if Hal minded if I enlisted a few more voices to pray for his soon recovery.

"Can't ever have too many prayers," Hal said. "I have to go lie down now."

So please join me in prayer for Hal's speedy recovery from his injuries.

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)

Can't ever have too many prayers.