Jan 9, 2013

Book Review: 'Charting the End Times' by Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice

Gary GilleyBy Dr. Gary E. Gilley
Southern View Chapel

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Charting the End Times is a powerful resource dealing with eschatological issues from a dispensational, pretribulational perspective. The book’s title is somewhat misleading, for this volume is far more than a collection of beautiful and helpful charts; it is a primer for all things pertaining to prophecy. As such it deals with foundational subjects such as biblical covenants, dispensations, canonisity, Jewish feasts and Israel’s tabernacle and temple. Upon this foundation prophecies regarding the future are detailed and explained in a format understandable to any serious student of Scripture. One need not have a degree in Bible to appreciate Charting the End Times but those who do will gain insight as well.

Charting the End Times

Charting the End Times: A Visual Guide to Understanding Bible Prophecy

Two cautions are in order. First, Ice and LaHaye are not arguing and defending their theological positions, they are simply stating them. Those looking for comprehensive discussions of various eschatological and exegetical differences on prophecy will want to look elsewhere, including numerous books written by Ice covering these matters. The authors’ goal is to provide a clear, readable, well-charted overview of pretribulational understanding of prophecy. In this they have succeeded.

Secondly, not every dispensationalist will agree with every position taught in the book. For example, I do not agree with the "historical" view of the seven churches of Revelation taken by the authors (p. 45) and I am much more hesitant to declare recent events such as World War I, the establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948, and the rise of Russia (pp. 36, 118-121) as fulfillments of Bible prophecy. Perhaps they are, but that remains to be seen. However these are minor issues in light of the overall quality and benefit of this book.